A pigeon has been walking on the road next to my garden for several days now. I noticed that it doesn’t shy away when I approach it. Today I decided to catch him because I noticed a identification ring  on his leg. It was easy. The identification ring  is green and have numbers. I found what they mean on the Internet. It turns out that it is a pigeon from the pigeon breeders’ association in Zvolen. I sent an email there with a message. I decided to feed and water the pigeon. I did it. The pigeon visibly perked up. I am waiting for a response to my application. I’m worried about the bird’s life because there are a lot of cats wandering around here. The pigeon likes to walk on the road and sidewalk.

This is my second adventure with a carrier pigeon. In 2012, a carrier pigeon also appeared and stayed nearby for a few days. One morning I found him drowned in a barrel of water. I read the  ring and sent the message. I hope it ends well for this pigeon.