birdwatching Archives - Site of nature my observations and photos of nature in my area Sat, 15 Feb 2025 19:35:49 +0000 en-US hourly 1 birdwatching Archives - Site of nature 32 32 And after spring. Sat, 15 Feb 2025 19:19:40 +0000 The post And after spring. appeared first on Site of nature.


   A few days ago we finally went for a walk in the forest. We hadn’t been there since autumn. The weather was sunny and there was a slight frost. It was mid-February, and we heard a crane calling, and quite close. We were heading in that direction. After driving about 300 m, we saw a crane walking in the meadow. It was walking and calling. The distance was about 150 m. I took a few photos and a short recording. Too far away for good shots. I didn’t want to approach it so as not to scare it away. That’s all from our trip. It’s been freezing cold since then. Today, quite a lot of snow fell. What about the crane? Will it survive? We know that there are more cranes like that. This year’s winter is playing tricks on us.


Many years ago, there were no such winter anomalies. The snow usually stayed until spring. It was sometimes earlier, but it sometimes ended in April. There were winter thaws. The snow thawed a bit and then there was snow and frost again. Below are some photos of this poor crane.

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Let’s feed the birds Mon, 16 Dec 2024 18:21:57 +0000 The post Let’s feed the birds appeared first on Site of nature.


It’s already mid-December. There’s been no frost or snow yet. But it’s not easy for birds anymore. Let’s feed birds in winter. It’s nice to watch them at the feeder. Birds quickly find places with food. For many reasons, there are fewer birds here. We hardly see some species anymore. Even the population of tits and sparrows is clearly decreasing. Spring will come and the birds will reward us by collecting insects in our fields, forests, orchards. In spring, it’s nice to listen to birds singing and watch them raising their young.

In the photos below the black-capped tit

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A carrier pigeon has strayed. Sun, 14 Jul 2024 18:32:20 +0000 The post A carrier pigeon has strayed. appeared first on Site of nature.


A pigeon has been walking on the road next to my garden for several days now. I noticed that it doesn’t shy away when I approach it. Today I decided to catch him because I noticed a identification ring  on his leg. It was easy. The identification ring  is green and have numbers. I found what they mean on the Internet. It turns out that it is a pigeon from the pigeon breeders’ association in Zvolen. I sent an email there with a message. I decided to feed and water the pigeon. I did it. The pigeon visibly perked up. I am waiting for a response to my application. I’m worried about the bird’s life because there are a lot of cats wandering around here. The pigeon likes to walk on the road and sidewalk.

This is my second adventure with a carrier pigeon. In 2012, a carrier pigeon also appeared and stayed nearby for a few days. One morning I found him drowned in a barrel of water. I read the  ring and sent the message. I hope it ends well for this pigeon.

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Birds in flight Mon, 27 May 2024 19:22:13 +0000 The post Birds in flight appeared first on Site of nature.


    I rarely tried to photograph birds in flight. Their unexpected arrival often makes it difficult to prepare the camera for photos. The way some birds fly also makes taking a photo very difficult. However, sometimes I take decent quality photos. Swans fly here rarely and unexpectedly. Their flight is even. If the distance is not too great, you can get a sharp frame. However, although the lapwing flies nearby, its flight direction is constantly changing. Hitting with focus is difficult. Below are my latest photos.

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Storks and people. Wed, 17 Apr 2024 16:47:36 +0000 The post Storks and people. appeared first on Site of nature.


The white stork is a special bird. It nests most often near human habitations. He really liked electricity poles. This year, a pair of storks decided to install themselves on the chimney of a block of flats in our housing estate. They stayed almost all day long and tried to bring down the branches. Unfortunately, after a few days, the employee put up warning tapes and even a red T-shirt. And the storks gave up on this place. The next day the storks returned. They tried to remove the disturbing rag. Without success. There are places for storks nearby, but they probably don’t like them for some reason. I hope this couple finds the right place.

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Common lapwing (Vanellus vanellus) Tue, 26 Mar 2024 18:09:58 +0000 The post Common lapwing (Vanellus vanellus) appeared first on Site of nature.


    I like watching this bird. He arrives very early. It has a very interesting appearance, an unusual way of flying and such a sad voice. It is still quite numerous here. If you would like to know more about it, please follow the link. It doesn’t let you get too close. Only if possible, it is best to take photos from a car. When the grass grows it will be more difficult. The lapwing will be less visible and more cautious. She has already chosen her nesting site.

   Below are some photos of lapwings. It is easy to photograph because this bird often remains still for a long time. The starlings hovering nearby are in constant motion. Maybe it will take some time to photograph a lapwing with its young chicks.

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