Yesterday I saw the cranes

Yesterday I went on short walk. Around on fields next to road white deep snow. The winter view and suddenly I saw above flying four cranes from north to south. They are coming back, joyfully because the cranes bring us spring and sadly because ones are coming back,...

The birds in winter time

In winter time the birds with difficulty find a food. In town there live multitude of peoples and multitude of a meal. This time I saw my car whole in red excrements of birds. When I looked at tip of tree there were huge flock of waxwings. I took out my camera. The...
Bohemian Waxwings have arrived

Bohemian Waxwings have arrived

    These birds arrive to my countryside in the beginning of November but not every year. A few day ago I perceived group of waxwings but I haven’t camera with me. Later saw them but from long distance in the cloudy weather. Today I’ve had good luck,...

My new species Marsh Tit

    Enough long time I haven’t posted any photos. This time my new bird Marsh Tit to my decent collection of the birds. I have in my garden great deal of the sunflowers and now seeds of them are very tempting for tits and don’t only. I’ve taken these...