in difficult conditions

in difficult conditions

Do lasu poszliśmy dość późno. Było pochmurno, więc nie było warunków do robienia zdjęć krajobrazu. Jak zwykle na polu napotkaliśmy stado saren, ale w znacznej odległości. Postanowiłem spróbować je sfotografować. Oczywiście użyłem statywu, obiektywu Canon 70-200 mm/2.8...
Shooting on January morning

Shooting on January morning

   From the morning there was frost with frost and fog. When the sun slightly warmed the air, the fog brightened and for a short time there were perfect conditions for taking pictures. The light ceased to be interesting in the full sun. We didn’t have winter at...
An unexpected snowstorm

An unexpected snowstorm

     It was March 26. The day was very cold. In the afternoon it became almost dark. A dark cloud came up. An unexpected snowstorm covered the surrounding area in a few minutes. A very strong wind was blowing. This storm has affected a large part of Poland and caused...
This first this spring

This first this spring

We do not have a real spring yet. Goat willow that grows in my garden has a spring look. Beautiful and fragrant male catkins are proof of this. By passing I noticed a butterfly posing pretty on it. It was a small tortoiseshell. Always having a smartphone with me, I...
And one more winter day

And one more winter day

  That was two days ago. Everywhere fluffy snow, sunny and light frost. And it ended. Today again the weather has changed and we have a thaw and almost all of the snow has melted again. As it turned out, you need to use winter weather for skiing, because this winter...

On a misty autumn day

   In the autumn we have the most fogs. On Saturday, November 17, we were in the first frost and the fog did not disappear throughout the day. It is true that the sun pierced through the fog from time to time around the south. Then it was very good conditions for...