While staying at Lake Mikaszewo, in the evening I noticed a beaver swimming from one reed bed to another. He probably stayed there all night. The sounds of its feeding could be heard. Early the next morning the beaver returns with a long branch of reeds. Why does it carry reeds? There are plenty of them out there and they are all the same. It’s hard to understand.

    There were seagulls, grebes and many mallard ducks swimming on the lake. A family of mute swans swam by. The weather is wonderful. Warm, windless and quiet. From time to time, tourists passed by on kayaks from Czarna Hańcza towards Płaska. Good conditions, because it is not as hot as in August. And you can catch some fish for breakfast. Below are photos that emphasize the mood of this place.

young grebe
beaver on the lake
lake gull
beaver on the lake
Mikaszewo lake in the morning

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