And after spring.
A few days ago we finally went for a walk in the forest. We hadn't been there since autumn. The weather was sunny and there was a slight frost. It was mid-February, and we heard a crane calling, and quite close. We were heading in that direction. After driving...

Winter forecasts
A decade of January has already passed. There is still no sign of winter here. The temperature sometimes drops to -3 degrees Celsius at night. Snow also barely covers the fields. Winter forecasts for the country are sometimes alarming. A lot of snow has fallen in...

Let’s feed the birds
It's already mid-December. There's been no frost or snow yet. But it's not easy for birds anymore. Let's feed birds in winter. It's nice to watch them at the feeder. Birds quickly find places with food. For many reasons, there are fewer birds here. We hardly see some...

The colours of late autumn.
They say that autumn is the best time to photograph autumn. It's true, we have colourful trees, autumn fogs in the morning. However, late autumn is coming. The trees become bare, and the days are cloudy and gray. Sometimes the views are almost black and white....

Autumn in the lens
It is said that autumn landscapes are a photographer's favorite subject. The richness of colors, autumn mists and soft light are conducive to obtaining beautiful photos. Of course, you should look for good views and choose the right light. If you take a photo...

It’s time for elderberry juice.
This summer we have an abundance of elderberry clusters here. So it's worth making the juice. There is a lot of information about the properties of this juice on the Internet. I won't quote them here. However, I will present the process of making the juice. It...

Now a bit about mobile phones
Mobile phones are ubiquitous. Using them for photography is an everyday occurrence. Mobile phones take increasingly better quality photos. However, it is difficult to use only a mobile phone in nature photography. The conditions for taking photos can be so...