Mobile phones are ubiquitous. Using them for photography is an everyday occurrence. Mobile phones take increasingly better quality photos. However, it is difficult to use only a mobile phone in nature photography. The conditions for taking photos can be so difficult that we can’t do anything with a mobile phone. However, mobile phones have the advantage that we always have them with us and they take up very little space. There are situations when we have the opportunity to take interesting photos and we only have a mobile phone. Macro photography requires specific equipment. Well, I sometimes use a mobile phone to take photos of insects. If you put in the effort, you will get quite a good result. Below is a photo of a butterfly that I took with a mobile phone. The sharpness is satisfactory and the background is beautifully blurred. Well, maybe not as good as with the right equipment.

    Photographing landscapes with a mobile phone happens. I happen to have great light. I don’t carry any equipment, and I have the mobile phone in my pocket. If we also take care of the composition of the frame, it is great. I take a photo and it is interesting. With photography experience, photos from a mobile phone can be quite successful. Unfortunately, many people take photos without any thought. They do not use the advantages of a mobile camera as they should. Even documenting family events with a mobile phone can be done interestingly with good quality photos.