My new – old insects

This time I’ll show my new-old insects. How is it? These insects I’ve taken enough long time ago in 2008, but only now I’ve found them in my archives. First of them it’s the small decent moth of the family Geometridae – The Clouded Border...

Again new butterfly

My new butterfly small pearl-bordered fritillary (Boloria selene)  belongs to Genus: Boloria enough small and beautiful butterflies. It’s second species in my collection from this Genus. These photos were taken in south of...

My new butterfly

This time I’ve managed to take common butterfly but not in my countryside. It’s Marbled White (Melanargia galathea).The photo was taken on meadow where was mostly clover. I’ve met there more other butterflies. Because it was late afternoon light was...

this beetle just have its ID

    When I myself don’t able to find name for my insect then post my photo on site where my friends usually give me correct name. for this beetle I was seeking long time its ID and only on TN get the name it’s Silpha obscura.Silpha obscura...

three new species of the butterflies

    It was very hot day but I went on a walk with my camera in a bag. On the gentle hillock saw many butterflies but very lively. I managed to take a few shots of them. After them appeared that three of them they are new species to my collection. Two of them Zygaena...