fisherman in fog
It’s time for elderberry juice.

It’s time for elderberry juice.

     This summer we have an abundance of elderberry clusters here. So it's worth making the juice. There is a lot of information about the properties of this juice on the Internet. I won't quote them here. However, I will present the process of making the juice. It...

Now a bit about mobile phones

Now a bit about mobile phones

   Mobile phones are ubiquitous. Using them for photography is an everyday occurrence. Mobile phones take increasingly better quality photos. However, it is difficult to use only a mobile phone in nature photography. The conditions for taking photos can be so...

Evening trip to the Sidra River

Evening trip to the Sidra River

   I haven't continued my posts for a long time. This time about a short trip after the rain before the evening. The weather was very pleasant, humid, windless and warm. It was too late for photography and almost dusk. That's when animals come out to the meadows. Near...

It’s been 12 years now.

It’s been 12 years now.

    It randomly occurred to me when I first posted on this site. And now the 12th anniversary is approaching. On February 7, 2012, I wrote a short text about a woodpecker. I photographed it on a dry burdock stalk. At first I wasn't sure if it was a woodpecker. A lot...

Weather swing

Weather swing

  In January we have a real weather swing. The first two weeks saw heavy snowfall. There was frost, but mild, below -10 degrees. Next week, there was snowfall all day long. Then it's just thaw and thaw. Now, at the end of the month, snow lies where there were huge...

Curious tits.

Curious tits.

    We have a real winter with heavy snow. Birds have difficulty finding food. We feed them. Every day I throw nuts on the windowsill. The birds arrive immediately. Mainly tits, but also other passerines. Chickadees peek into the apartment through the window. Nay. One...

The birds need help.

The birds need help.

     Winter came with heavy snow. It is becoming increasingly difficult for birds to find food. They need our help. Many people feed birds. Little birds come to the feeders every day. They check if there is anything to eat. The most numerous are tits and sparrows. It...